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Learning Math/CS/Engineering Design with Robotics

Hour of Code with Math and Robotics

The Hour of Code is a nationwide initiative by Computer Science Education Week and to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and computer programming.

The Hour of Code activities below are freely available and suitable for a range of skill levels.

Linkbot Obstacle Course (grade 2+)

Robot Autonomous Vehicle (grade 6+)

Moon Base SOS with Arduino (grade 4+)

Touchdown! (Kindergarten+)

Blink RGB LED with LArduino (grade 6+)

Use Ultrasonic Sensor to Measure Distance (grade 6+)

Math 5 with RoboBlocky (grade 5+)

One Hour Coding with RoboBlocky (grade 3+)

Algebra 1 with RoboBlocky (grade 8+)

Robotics with RoboBlocky (grade 5+)

Coding with RoboBlocky (grade 5+)